December 24, 2017

Christmas Is God's Witness To The World

Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: The Father Heart of God - 1 John Topic: Advent Passage: 1 John 5:5–13

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  That is what most believe and sing about Christmas.  The lights started being unrolled a month or so ago.  The tree was purchased and put up with all its glamor.  The cards were sent and the presents bought.  Now here on this Christmas Eve the excitement and expectation is at its height as we wait for the day we have all been waiting for – Christmas!  Presents will be torn into and the food enjoyed, but in the midst of it all what about the nativity on the mantle, the shelf or table?  Where does it fit in it all.  What about the babe that lies there in a manger bed?  This all started because of Him, but who is He really and what can He do for me?  On this Christmas Eve we look at the first letter of John.  He was not just an apostle but also an apologist—someone who speaks or writes in defense of someone or something. As his letter drew to a close, his goal was to make the truth about Jesus clear: Jesus was baptized, and the Spirit came down and gave his approval. Jesus’ blood was shed on the cross, and the Father gave his testimony. In fact, this testimony lives inside those who believe. After he lays out this testimony, John gives great assurance: those who have the Son have life, and it is possible to know this without a doubt.  Our prayer for you this Christmas is you would know this great truth and it would change your life forever.

other sermons in this series

Dec 31


Dec 17


Do we love one another?

Speaker: David Bird Passage: 1 John 4:20– 5:4 Series: The Father Heart of God - 1 John

Dec 10


The Gift of Love

Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: 1 John 4:7–19 Series: The Father Heart of God - 1 John