Uncommon Love
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: uncommon Topic: Love Passage: Matthew 5:1–48
Uncommon Love: Hate is strong in our day. It is the language of politicians, protestors and everyone else, whether on the air waves or social media the words and tone breathe hate. With the obsession over security many have moved to excessive hate even in the Christian culture. The hate is loud at times or subtle. Hate is not the language of the church though. Sure we hate injustice, you betcha, but we cannot forget love. Love is the language, tone and message of advent. The coming of Jesus was the expression of God’s uncommon love. Jesus came and loved His enemies, which is all of us. God’s love is extravagant. His church is to love with uncommon love. Today we look at Jesus’ words to a very similar context which we find in our day. His message was calling His followers to uncommon love. That call is the same for us today.
other sermons in this series
Dec 13
Uncommon Peace
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Luke 4:14–21 Series: uncommon
Dec 6
Uncommon Hope
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Romans 15:7–13 Series: uncommon
Nov 29
Uncommon Purpose
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Philippians 1:12–26 Series: uncommon