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Jesus has called us to follow Him. To be His disciple. What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? If we took a survey and asked this, we would get many different types of answers to this. But how we answer this is crucial to our lives. We are all a disciple of something. As Christians we are disciples of Jesus. In fact, to be a Christian means to be a disciple. There are no Christians who are not disciples. In our new series, Follow, we will look at the, what and why to being a disciple and what making disciples looks like as a way of life.

Sermons from this Series

Nov 20


November 20, 2022

Follow: Imitate Me

Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: 1 Corinthians 10:24– 11:1 Series: Follow

Nov 13


November 13, 2022

Follow: Turn Up The Music

Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: John 15:1–17 Series: Follow

Nov 6


November 6, 2022

Follow: Imitators of Christ

Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Acts 11:21–26 Series: Follow

Oct 30


October 30, 2022

Follow: The Call to Be A Disciple

Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Matthew 16:13–28 Series: Follow