January 22 | God is Life
“For he who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord.” Proverbs 8.35

Reading: Proverbs 8

Wisdom has been around for a long time.  It is pictured here as being with God in the beginning of creation as God was creating the heavens and the earth (8.22).  Wisdom is an attribute of God.  Wisdom is older than the universe and was essential to its creation.  Nothing came into existence without wisdom.  As God’s creation, when we find wisdom, we find life.  When we come to know God, we find life.  He is life.  To be truly alive is to be rightly related to God, other people and the created order.

Prayer:  Lord, You are life.  In You alone life is found.  Help me to listen to and obey Your wisdom for You are the only wise God.  In Your wisdom alone life and favor is found