December 10, 2017

The Gift of Love

Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: The Father Heart of God - 1 John Topic: Advent Passage: 1 John 4:7–19

1 John 4.7-19: Our world is dark, gloomy and loveless.  This is how the prophet Isaiah described his day and also the landscape of the day in which love would break through time and space to the dumpy and rural town of Bethlehem.  Christmas is the gift of true love.  In 1 John, we have been encouraged to love others and today we see the full spectrum of true love – love for God, God’s love in us and our love for others.  This is not something we thought of or mustered on our own it was initiated by God and made possible in His mission of love in sending Jesus, His Son to be our Savior and Lord.  Let us be filled with joy this advent for the great love of God and may our lives overflow with His love. 

other sermons in this series

Dec 31


Dec 17


Do we love one another?

Speaker: David Bird Passage: 1 John 4:20– 5:4 Series: The Father Heart of God - 1 John