November 20, 2016

The Lord's Will Be Done

Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: iWitness Passage: Acts 21:1–14

I cannot think of a more timely text for our current day here in America than the one that God has laid before us this morning. In our country there is much fear, anger and uncertainty. In Paul’s journey to Jerusalem there was much fear and uncertainty in the church over what would happen to him in Jerusalem at the hands of the religious and political parties alike. Paul though, is set on one thing alone, the will of the Lord. God’s will was that the gospel would go to the ends of the earth and that all men would hear of Jesus and the salvation He provides. Paul believed that he must go and even suffer in Jerusalem for the gospel to get where it needed to get. Church, Jesus desires for the gospel to be heard by everyone. The fears and uncertainty of our current context should not dissuade us or cause us to shrink back, but instead cause us to look at how our citizenship in heaven should impact how we should live in the here and now. Let’s bring our fears and uncertainty before the Lord this morning and allow Christ to speak into them and then as a result may we be a light to others struggling with hope. Jesus is the answer to all the fear and uncertainty today. The church needs to bring Jesus to their Jerusalem no matter the cost.

other sermons in this series

Jan 29


Acts 29

Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Acts 28:11–31 Series: iWitness

Jan 22


The Risk-filled Life

Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Acts 23:11– 28:16 Series: iWitness

Jan 8


Cause of Christ

Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Acts 21:15– 26:23 Series: iWitness